Police issue warning to drivers after rain

While many are rejoicing the much-needed rainfall, Police have issued a warning to motorists to be careful when driving on slippery roads.
The first lot of rain after a long dry spell can cause the roads to be especially slippery due to the build-up of oil on the road that mixes with rainwater.
Port Douglas Police Sgt, Damian Meadows, said the range to Cairns is a hotspot for these types of accidents.
“When you're in places where there are lots of corners and you're breaking a lot that seems to be where we get more accidents after rain,” he said.
“If you're going to Cairns leave 20 minutes early just to get there safely.
“It is not necessarily you that that you need to worry about but it could be someone coming in the other direction who is inexperienced and may not have driven that road before, so give yourself as much time as you can to get there in one piece,” he said.
Sargent Meadows said this Friday marks the commencement of the nationwide Christmas road safety campaign, which will run right through school holidays until the end of January.
“Expect to see police everywhere, there will be all types of traffic enforcement taking place across the Douglas Shire by both local police and Road Traffic Command.
“We are attacking the fatal of five; speeding, drink/drug driving, fatigue, seat belts, and driver distraction,” he said.
He added that drivers need to be mindful that Queensland has recently passed legislation that will see fines for mobile phone use while driving increase to $1000.
“They are going to install cameras throughout the state to catch people on their mobile phones. Even having a mobile phone sitting on your lap counts, as soon as you touch it it’s deemed as usage,” Sgt Meadows said.
He urged everyone to drive safely over the Christmas period and make it home to your loved ones.
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