Mossman Hospital to benefit from fundraising efforts

The Mossman Hospital will benefit to the tune of $4,678.40 following a series of fundraising events held recently.
The tally is the result of sausage sizzles, Christmas gift wrapping, Monster Christmas raffle sales, pen sales and cash donations.
Mossman and Douglas Friends of the Foundation (FOF) spokesman Peter LeGriffon said 42 prizes, donated by the Mossman community were drawn at the Monster Raffle on Saturday, December 21.
“A further six Mossman business owners sponsored our gift wrapping service and it really wouldn’t have been possible without everyone’s support,” Mr LeGriffon said.
“All proceeds go back to our local health service at Mossman Hospital and are used towards the purchase of specialised equipment and supporting improved patient care beyond the essentials,” he said.
“The Mossman and Douglas FOF volunteers hope to return with their gift wrapping services next year at both Mossman and Port Douglas and perhaps another monster raffle.
“We’d like to thank all involved which includes the vision and hard work of the Mossman Supporting Small Business (MSSB) group and the Mossman and Douglas Friends of the Foundation Volunteer team,” he said.
The gift wrapping service was at the Town and Country Shopping Centre in Mossman (beside Prices Plus) and the Port Village Shopping Centre in Port Douglas (outside Coles Supermarket).
All money raised from gift wrapping and the raffle will go directly towards improving health services at the Mossman Hospital.
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