Local hairdressers to feature at New York Fashion Week

Local hairdressing duo, Danielle Scomazzon and Freja Garde are hitting new hairdressing heights after being selected to take part in New York Fashion Week in February.
The pair are among just 10 people selected to style the hair of models in a runway show for the clothing brand Zimmermann, assisting Renya Xydis, the Australian Creative Director of hair brand Wella.
The women were nominated by their local Wella representative along with 130 other stylists from across Australia and New Zealand.
From there, just 20 people were invited to audition in Sydney where the women secured two of the top 10 positions.
Danielle said they were beyond excited just to be selected to go to the auditions.
“We weren't expecting to go any further; just getting to the top 20 who got to go to Sydney was amazing,” she said.
“We learnt so much there, runway hair is very different to the everyday and bridal hair that we usually do.”
Danielle (25) and Freja (21), have been hairdressing for 10 and seven years respectively after starting school-based apprenticeships while at Mossman State High School.
Almost three years ago, Danielle opened her own salon in Port Douglas, DS Hair and Makeup, where she and Freja work together.
Freja said an international event like this is always a dream but not something they ever expected to get to.
“It means the absolute world to us. I think we both are just over the moon and pinching ourselves to think what we're doing.
“We auditioned as our own individual identities not as a salon so we were so lucky that we got two of the 10 spots, especially competing against people from Sydney and Melbourne who do this sort of thing (runway styling) often,” she said.
Danielle added that they hope this opportunity will open more doors for them in the future.
“This is just the start. We are now on their books and have a foot in the door,” she said.
The women joked that they now have their eyes on the Paris and Milan Fashion Weeks.
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