Fire Brigade’s roaring start to the 20’s

The Cape Tribulation Rural Fire Brigade is holding a roaring fundraiser on New Year’s Day.
Thirteen local businesses will be donning inflatable dinosaur suits and will race against each other along Myall beach in the Daintree Rainforest for the inaugural Cape Trib Cup.
The Dinosaur Races fundraising event will help raise money for a new structure to house important firefighting equipment.
Mary Martin, a member of the Cape Trib Rural Fire Brigade and owner of Mist at Cape Tribulation, said she and other local businesses are organising this community event to have a bit of fun and raise the much-needed funds.
“New Year’s Day is traditionally a slow day for most people, so we decided to give the community the chance to come together, have lots of fun and enjoy a hilarious day,” she said.
There will be a tug-of-war and race heats before the fastest dinosaurs race out in the finals.
“The dinosaur theme fits perfectly with our environment, all our guests liken Cape Trib to a scene out of Jurassic Park, so we thought it fitting to bring in the Dinosaur teams.
“The day is family-friendly, there are games for the kids, a sausage sizzle and merchandise. We we do caution our guests that the rain forest has prehistoric technology, so it’s a cash-only event,” Ms Martin said.
When: New Year's Day 2020
Time: 2pm - 5 pm
Where: Myall Beach Cape Tribulation
All donations will go to the Cape Tribulation Rural Fire Brigade.

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