Celebrity designer Jamie Durie linked to eco resort

Douglas Shire Council confirmed today that no development application had been lodged by Jamie Durie Design for proposed work on the former Havana resort project.
It has been reported that celebrity designer Jamie Durie is linked to a multi-million dollar five-star eco resort in the town with the vacant land next to the Oaks Resort on Port Douglas Road as the likely location.
Newsport reported in May this year that the site of the former Havana Luxury Resort is under contract with Melbourne-based developer, Chiodo Corporation, who plan to develop new luxury accommodation on the premier location.
The site at 71-85 Port Douglas Road, was sold for an undisclosed price.
The property still holds development approval for a 253-room luxury resort with 136 basement car parking spaces, business centre, conference facilities, day spa, swimming pools, gym, restaurant, bars and cafe.
Although Newsport was unable to obtain comment from Jamie Durie Design, it is believed Durie, of Backyard Blitz and House Rules fame, has big plans for the mega resort which will present unique environmental features.Z
The proposed location has sat empty since 2005 when the original developers were unable to secure $132 million to get it off the ground.
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