Bodies in Motion’s ‘Fifth Element’ set to hit the stage

Bodies in Motion Dance School’s end of year concert kicks off tomorrow night at the Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort’s Glade Pavilion.
Three hundred and fifty students from the ages of three to 70 will dance, dazzle, and sing to up to 1200 people in the annual production.
This year’s event is entitled ‘The Fifth Element’ and for the first time is being held over three concerts in two days; a Friday night, Saturday matinee, and Saturday night show.
Bodies in Motion Principal, Saskia Turner, said the Friday and Saturday night concerts are sold out and limited tickets are left for the matinee.
“We are on our way to another sell-out season, which will be the fourth year in a row,” she said.
“It is crazy to think from where we started to where we are now, it is very humbling.
“I’m amazed at how much dance has grown in the Douglas Shire and how popular it is and that is a testament to the school and what we do here.”
Bodies in Motion has become one of the largest sporting clubs in the region and the end of year production is the highlight of the school’s year.
Ms Turner said the move to three concerts this year is due to the growing size of the school.
“Each year as the school grows so does the size of the production so to better accommodate the numbers and length of the show, we decided to split it.”
The junior dancers will perform at the matinee show while the seniors will entertain at the Friday and Saturday shows.

“The kids are getting super excited, we have been doing a countdown each day when the students come in about how many sleeps left to go,” Ms Turner said.
The show is divided into four sections taking audience members on a journey through each element; wind, water, fire, and earth.
The storyline takes a dramatic turn and the elements find themselves at the brink of a catastrophic war until an unknown element appears to help unite them once again, this is the fifth element.
The $90,000 production features 350 local performers, 800 costumes, state of the art sound & lighting, hi-tech visuals and effects, and an array of music from the likes of Queen, Metallica and Tina Turner.
The first show kicks off at 6:30pm Friday night.

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