Patrols to ramp up on water restrictions



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The Douglas Shire could be heading for level three water restrictions if the current dry spell continues. IMAGE: Supplied.

DOUGLAS Shire mayor Julia Leu said today Council will be stepping up its ‘water restrictions patrols’ adding a predicted dry spell could push the shire into level three restrictions unless sprinklers and hoses are turned off.

“Council will increase patrols from Monday next week. The reality is we are experiencing a really dry period - worse than this time last year - and the chances of a wet weather event is low," Mayor Leu said.

“Council is encouraging everyone to be vigilant and help us save water. This could be by restricting your watering to a watering can or bucket, or turning off your taps while you brush your teeth. Water restrictions are in place to help Council effectively manage water supplies."

The Bureau of Meteorology has predicted a late start to the wet season, which has exacerbated concerns about heavy water consumption.

Douglas Shire Council predicts about 75% of water is used on lawns and gardens. This equates to about 150ML per month.

Leu said there is a window of opportunity to be water wise and avoid level three water restrictions.

“Council has a responsibility to make sure there is enough water for locals and visitors so I am strongly urging everyone to help us and stick to the restrictions. They are for everyone’s benefit,” she said.

“Our water levels are spiralling towards drought conditions, but resorts and some residents continue to use sprinklers and openly disregard water restrictions. 

“The BOM have sent us a clear message to prepare for a dry spell and this means getting Douglas Shire to be more water wise than ever.”

Douglas Shire has the highest water consumption per capita out of all Council areas in Far North Queensland, using about 1260 litres per capita per day. For comparison, Cairns uses 418L and Townsville 860L per capita per day.

Level three water restrictions strictly prohibit using sprinklers and irrigation system on gardens and only allows hand-watering from 6am to 7am and 6pm to 7pm on alternate days. Mayor Leu said.


Watering is ONLY allowed between 6am to 9am and 6pm to 9pm on alternate days. “Alternate days” means your designated days of water use:

• NO watering is permitted on Mondays.
• ODD numbered properties can water on Wednesday, Friday & Sunday.
• EVEN numbered properties can water on Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday.
• Properties without a number can water on Wednesday, Friday & Sunday.

“Alternate days” shall mean designated days of water use.

On the spot fines (Penalty Infringement Notices) of $391 for Residential Customers and $1958 for Non-Residential Customers apply for non-compliance of restrictions.


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