Financial report to be presented at Council

- Construction starts on Council's biggest capital works project
THE financial report, for the period ended 30 April 2018, which will be presented at Tuesday’s open Douglas Shire Council meeting, will reveal that operating revenue exceeds budget expectations by $964,000; operating expenditure is under budget by $1.1million; and the operating surplus is currently $3.5million, compared to a budgeted surplus of $1.4million.
The budget papers advise that net rates and utility charges are $31,000 under budget as a result of a combination of less than anticipated revenue from growth; a refund of sewerage charges which were raised in error over a number of years; and greater than anticipated revenue from water usage charges.
Fees and charges are ahead of budget by $27,000 due to the following variations: Ferry fares: $3,000 (impacted by dry docking); Building and property related fees, licences and other fees and charges: $24,000.
1. Extend currency for development permit for stages 4 and 5 of Shepherd Valley Estate, Mossman
2. Combined application planning scheme variation and ROL (1 into 5 lots) 6 Endeavour St, Port Douglas
3. Water and wastewater quarterly report for the period ending 31 March 2018
4. Financial report for the period ended 30 April 2018
5. 2018/19 revenue general policy and 2018/19 debt general policy
1. Prejudicial matter s275 1 g local government regulation 2012 - planning compliance matter Cooya Beach
2. Prejudicial matter s275 (1) (h) local government regulation 2012 - Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) 2017-18 approval of RADF committee recommendations for funding
3. Contractual matter s275 (1) (e) local government regulation 2012 - contract for Diggers Bridge upgrade project, Mowbray
4. Prejudicial matter s275 (1) (h) local government regulation 2012 - Ribbon and St Crispins Avenues drainage
5. Contractual matter s275 1 e local government regulations 2012 - contract 2018-001 Mossman WWTP secondary clarifier
6. Prejudicial matter s275(1)(h) local government regulation 2012 - write off of bad debts
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