Douglas artists to get ‘hotdesk’

- <link september douglas-arts-base-celebrates-15-years>Douglas Arts Base celebrates 15 years
THIS is the news arts practitioners, teachers, supporters, appreciators and students have been waiting for.
An Arts Hotdesk will be opening on June 11 at the Port Douglas Town Hall is the Arts Hub, which is being facilitated by Claire Tierney from Arts Nexus, and supported by Tim Ellis from the Douglas Shire Council. There is no charge.
This is a co-collaboration venture designed to support the arts practitioners of the Douglas Shire. The Arts Hotdesk will be held on the second Monday of each month from 10am to 2pm. and is designed to provide advice, referral, information sharing and conversation regarding the creative communities’ needs.
The Arts Hub will be open for advice and assistance in art-related matters including grants, mini forums, discussion groups, idea sharing and much more. The first few hours each month will have a theme covering various topics for open discussion, along with a guest speaker.
This will be followed by an opportunity for anybody to come to work, seek advice or to talk about a project, a direction, pool ideas and share information.
The goal is to provide an ear for the wants and needs of the Douglas Shire creative community, to be available to provide guidance where possible, industry referrals when needed, a platform for new concept ideas and practical support for arts practitioners. This is your chance to have a say and influence the direction of Art Support in this Shire.
Arts Nexus is all about ‘the business of art’. Established 20 years ago, Arts Nexus is a non-government, for purpose, intercultural, community-based incorporated association. Their objective is for all artists to sustain their arts practice while remaining in their community, successfully producing and being an integral part of the health and well-being of the Shire.
For more information, visit:
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