Landslides close Captain Cook Highway between Port Douglas and Cairns

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NINE landslides have forced the closure of the Captain Cook Highway from Port Douglas to Cairns with the worst affected areas between Wangetti and Oak Beach. The road from Port Douglas to Mossman is expected to be opened shortly.
With rainfall of more than 200mm impacting Cairns through to Mossman, which includes the significant rainfall in Port Douglas, Sgt Damian Meadows, Officer in Charge for Port Douglas, said if you have no need to be in a car, then it is advised to stay off the road.
“There has been significant damage in a number of areas, there is a high level of surface water which has nowhere to go and this only adds to the hazardous conditions.
“I am therefore advising everyone who does not need to be on the road, to stay off the road. Most of the main streets in Port Douglas are under heavy water and must be avoided,” said Meadows.
He added that work had begun to clear the debris on the Captain Cook Highway, but said it was not possible to predict when it would reopen.
A spokesperson for the Bureau of Meteorology said the most rain had fallen between Cairns and Mossman from 9:00am today and we can expect the same weather pattern tomorrow.
“The rain will start to ease off on Tuesday, but there is still the possibility of 20-50mm.”
Low Isles has received 87mm and 65mm at Daintree Village.
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