Search for ‘dangerous' lake crocodile stalled


Crocodile snatches pet dog from Port Douglas lake
Public told to stay away as rangers move in on croc

THE search for an aggressive saltwater crocodile in a suburban Port Douglas lake is being stalled by people disturbing the animal.

Wildlife officers have failed to catch the 2.5 metre croc that took a pet dog on Tuesday despite two consecutive night operations.

The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection is urging residents who live near Ferndale Lake to switch off external lights tonight and stay well clear of the area.

“The crocodile is dangerous and people approaching the lake risk interfering with the capture or being attacked themselves,” an EHP spokesperson said.

The vegetation in the lake is also hampering removal efforts of the crocodile.

Rangers have been trying to catch the animal for over a month by using a floating crocodile trap. The initial operation was in response to a crocodile walking down a Port Douglas street and into the front yard of a resident's home.

Another croc road block stuns Port

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