Port Douglas competitors mix it with the best in Cairns Ironman



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New Zealand multi-sport great Braden Currie wins the Cairns Ironman yesterday. IMAGE: Supplied.

PORT Douglas had a number of competitors compete in yesterday’s Cairns Ironman.

Locals Simon Mulligan, Amanda Fraser and Leigh Brown all took part in the full Ironman event, while Jodie Keirle, Jo van Ewyk, Brian Collyer, Damien Passlow and Mark Geddes went around in the 70.3 event.

It attracted thousands to the region while hundreds lined the streets in Port Douglas as the cycling event rode through town.

The event will long be remembered as the day that Kiwi multisport great Braden Currie, Ironman newbie Teresa Adam and triathlon legend Javier Gomez turned up the heat in Tropical North Queensland.

The result was spectacular racing that saw four athletes, Currie, Gomez, third placed Terenzo Bozzone and women’s winner Adam all finishing well inside the course records set in 2017. Braden’s win, in such elite company, was a welcome boost for his confidence after a tough twelve months.

"I am absolutely stoked. I had a pretty tough Cairns last year where I came in under prepared and gave it my all,” Currie said.

"I can’t really believe that I have pulled off what I did today. This is a huge stepping stone for me and it feels great to have a great race and prove myself again. It is great to come back feeling fit and strong and have a great race."

His battle on the run with Gomez was a classic duel that not only delighted the crowd but has rejuvenated Currie and will send him to Kona a much stronger athlete.

In only her second Ironman, the former New Zealand representative water polo player Teresa Adam has achieved more than some athletes could ever dream about - a new course record, the Asia Pacific title and a win over three time World Champion Mirinda Carfrae all in one day.

"It is unreal, unbelievable and it hasn’t sunk in yet, that I won and won in a course record and in an amazing field. I really don’t know what to say,” she said

"I had no expectations coming into Cairns. I just wanted to do another Ironman to see how it went. I knew that combining the points from New Zealand with a podium in Cairns there was a high chance I would go to Kona. So it was kind of in the back of my mind to try and get on the podium. So a win is definitely a bonus."

70.3 Ironman
Jodie Keirle - 5.23.51
Jo van Ewyk - 6.50.47
Brian Collyer - 5.41.39
Damian Passlow - 5.07.23
Mark Geddes - 6.08.07

Simon Mulligan - 12.48.47
Amanda Fraser - 13.43.36
Leigh Brown - 12.49.00

Ironman Male Winner: Braden Currie 7.54.58
Ironman Female Winner: Teresa Adam 8.53.16


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