Popular section of walking trail re-opened

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THE Flagstaff Hill Walking Trail from Little Cove to the reservoir has been re-opened for the first time since the record March rainfall in Port Douglas.
Council contractors have worked hard to prepare the breath-taking section of the tourism trail just in time for school holidays.
Mayor Julia Leu said it was a credit to crews who completed the work.
?“This is fantastic news, especially now tourists are streaming in Douglas Shire,” she Cr Leu said.
About two-thirds of the walking trail is now open with the Four Mile Beach section to Island Point Lookout open for several weeks.
?The middle section remains closed while geotechnical engineers work to repair and safeguard the damaged areas.
Council allocated funds in the 2018/19 Annual Budget to repair the trail after a ‘1 in 100 year deluge’ caused several washouts, landslips and fallen trees.
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