Watch out, mozzies about

FAR North residents are being warned to take precautions against dengue fever and Zika as the wet season progresses.
Director of Tropical Public Health Services (Cairns) Dr Richard Gair said while there have been no reported locally-acquired cases of dengue fever so far this season, the Dengue Action Response Team (DART) has been spraying to control mosquitos in areas which have been hotspots for the virus in previous years.
“Fortunately, we have seen a dramatic drop in locally-acquired dengue in Far North Queensland in the last year, since the Eliminate Dengue program (now World Mosquito Program) began releasing mosquitoes infected with bacteria that stops the mosquitoes spreading the virus,” Dr Gair said.
“When we confirm a locally acquired case of dengue we alert the public in the area in case they may also have been exposed to infective mosquitoes,” he said.
Dr Gair said there are simple steps people can take to protect themselves from dengue.
“Make sure that any mosquito breeding sites such as containers are removed from homes and workplaces as it is much easier to prevent breeding sites from developing than it is to eradicate them once they are established,” he said.
“It is also important use indoor surface spray around the house to kill and repel mosquitoes. Protect yourself and your family further by using personal insect repellent.”
Dengue fever causes fever with severe headaches, muscle and joint pains, and other symptoms may include a rash, vomiting and diarrhoea.
Anyone with dengue like symptoms should see a doctor immediately to be tested for dengue.
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