'Tropical Magic' Carnivale goes back to its roots

THE Port Douglas Carnivale will go back to its roots this year.
Douglas Shire Council will relocate $45,000 of unspent funds to the event’s budget after taking back control of the festival from the Melbourne-based Knockout Events.
Mayor Julia Leu said a recent survey found about 84 per cent of attendees identified as being local or from within the Douglas Shire and surrounds, prompting a rethink into the focus and marketing of the event, to be run from May 25-27.
“Port Douglas Carnivale was created by a group of active town stakeholders with the aim to kick start the traditional holiday season a month earlier,” Mayor Leu told Newsport following a Council meeting yesterday.
“Council is keen to focus on what it was originally created to do – draw residents from Townsville, Cairns and Atherton Tablelands to Port Douglas.”
The popular Wonderland Spiegeltent will return for another year after proving ‘one of the festival’s top attractions’ since 2016, while a headline act is being sought for a ticketed Saturday night concert.
“This will lay the foundations for a total event refresh and provide a launching pad for the 25th anniversary event next year,” Leu said.
“Port Douglas Carnivale 2018 will celebrate the essence of the Douglas Shire, showcasing the ‘Tropical Magic’ that makes our region so unique and such a fantastic place to live.
“This will include delivering a simple, but high quality event that appeals to a broad range of revellers.”
The iconic Macrossan Street parade, fireworks, family beach day and the Seafood Extravaganza will also return.
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