Port pie eaters thrown a great Australian challenge

ARE you game enough to take on the Great Port Douglas Pie Challenge?
National Pie Day is on Tuesday January 23 and QT Port Douglas is throwing down the pie eating gauntlet.
They are calling on anyone who has an appetite for winning and the chomps to push their consumption limits to glory for prizes and, of course, big bragging rights.
Pie day is on in the lead up to Australia Day celebrations across the country.
"We thought there’s nothing more true blue than the Aussie meat pie and ripping into a whole stack of them to get the green and gold flowing," said Jeremy Lebeuf from QT.
"This is no easy task, it’s a monstrous amount of meat pies but we feel there are a lot of guys and gals around who will dominate the Great Port Douglas Pie Challenge."
If you’re the type of person who doesn’t get invited back to barbies because 18 snags is just a start, or you’re just an ambitious eater looking for a challenge, then this man vs food chow down is for you.
The Challenge is easy; order and eat ten meat pies in one sitting (no toilet breaks) and win $60 in Estilio food and Beverage vouchers.
"Get your clubs together, gather your mates and see who has the guts to take down this patriotic pie-zilla challenge," Lebeuf said.
Bookings for the Great Port Douglas Pie Challenge are not essential but recommended to ensure pie quantities. For more info contact sales_qtportdougla@evt.com or call (07) 4099 8900.
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