Port Douglas lifeguards display deadly catch

SURF lifeguards caught 34 box jellyfish in Port Douglas on Australia Day.
The deadly stingers were found outside the net in a single drag on Four Mile Beach on Friday morning.
“STRAYA: Where lifeguards can catch 34 box jellyfish (Chiropsalmus) in one go!” Surf Life Saving Queensland posted to a video on Facebook.
“The constant rain in Far North Queensland over the last few days is thought to have flushed marine stingers out of nearby waterways.”
The animals were only small, around 2-8cm in length, but no less lethal.
The box jellyfish is widely regarded as the most dangerous in Australia, capable of killing a human within minutes.
?“That’s death right there. Swim in the net people,” said ?one social media user.
“I didn’t really (sic) they were that small, I pictured them heaps bigger,” said another.
A spokesperson from Surf Life Saving Queensland said it was a timely reminder to only swim inside the stinger nets.
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