'Loud' buskers get the boot from Sunday markets

AMPLIFIED music will be banned at the Port Douglas Markets as part of an updated policy introduced by Douglas Shire Council.
A number of stallholders have complained about the music being too loud within the market grounds from some buskers and vendors.
Mayor Julia Leu said the banning of ‘amplification of any kind’ would help protect the ‘laid-back character, ambience and buzz’ of the weekly event.
Acoustic performances will still be permitted at the tourist and local favourite, which attracts thousands of people every Sunday.
“Stall holders have reported amplified music can disrupt their attempts to talk to and appropriately serve customers,” Leu told Newsport.
“Loud music distracts from the relaxed vibe that the Port Douglas Markets are renowned for. This resolution will help maintain and attract visitors and locals to the iconic weekly waterfront event.”
Councillors will write to all stakeholders informing them of the decision. Stallholders failing to comply with the new conditions risked being removed from the market.
“The policy states only acoustic performances are permitted and amplification of any kind is prohibited,” she said.
“The aim of this policy is to avoid confusion.”
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