Increase in domestic violence orders in Mossman

NEW figures reveal an increase to domestic violence orders and breaches in Mossman during the 2016-17 financial year.
It comes as Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu continues to call on the State Government’s new cabinet to urgently address the need for a domestic violence shelter in the region.
Leu said victims suffered from increased instability and upheaval when they travelled south to access support services.
“For victims to get help in Cairns they need to leave the support of family and friends, leave their jobs and enrol their children in different schools.”
“It is a shameful fact that victims living in the Douglas Shire have nowhere to go and this is playing into the hands of abusers.”
Council noted a six-month status report about the domestic and family violence refuge at the last Ordinary Council Meeting of 2017.
Council prepared and adopted a functional design brief that identifies the gaps in current services and details the facility needed to address the domestic and family violence issue in the region.
The document revealed 64 domestic violence applications were made in Mossman and 28 in Port Douglas during the 2015-16 financial year. These orders were contravened 78 times.
The number of domestic violence order breaches increased to 91 in the following 12-month period. Bulimba MP Di Farmer has been sworn in as Minister for Child Safety, Youth and Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence.
“Our concerns have fallen on deaf ears for the past six months and now the State Government has a fresh opportunity to deliver vital infrastructure for domestic violence victims in the Douglas Shire,” Mayor Leu said.
“Our political leaders need to address this issue. Douglas Shire Council feels very strongly about this gap in service delivery and will continue to lobby and advocate for this crucial facility.
“A refuge should provide an environment that helps victims develop or regain the life-skills and independence necessary to break the cycle and move past their traumatic experiences.”
The functional brief is available here.
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