How to make most out of 2018

THE old year, 2017 has nearly been archived in the ‘memories’ file and 2018 is teetering on its starting blocks. Filled with hope, new beginnings and the promise of what is to come this is the time people start to say ‘this year….’ and resolutions are made with all the fervency of a newly initiated cult member.
Sadly, only 8 percent of people actually keep their New Year’s resolutions. Setting overly ambitious and restrictive goals can be the main cause of nose-diving resolutions.
January 1 symbolically signifies a new beginning, but remember every day can start a new beginning and you can reset and evaluate your goals each day.
Doctors and health experts agree that walking is safe enough for everyone to do. It’s an effective way to stave off disease, maintain weight and control pain from chronic disease. It costs nothing and can be done anytime, just remember to take the stairs and not the lift to Coles and park in the parking space furthest away from the entrance!
This is the best low impact exercise there is! Go to Mirage Country Club, QT or Mossman Caravan Park lap pool and build up your stamina. A good idea is to have some lessons so that you can be taught the best way to swim to make this an enjoyable experience.
Contact Swimfit in Port Douglas for adult swimming lessons or for a motivation boost you can attend their regular Swimfit Group Sessions that combine swimming and exercises. Visit website
Yoga is a great way to maintain flexibility in your body and helps at all ages for mental and physical well-being. Check out Port Douglas Yoga, Deep Yoga Studio or Yoga on the Beach (winter months only) and start with a class that matches your ability. There are different types of yoga, so find out which one would suit you best.
Is similar to yoga but concentrates on developing your core strength, which is important to spinal strength and the body muscles radiating from it. Pilates is so safe that it is used to rehabilitate injuries. Contact the Port Douglas Yoga Studio and Port Pilates Plus.
Just turning up to a gym and paying for membership is not your answer for a healthier lifestyle. The gym has to be part of your complete makeover healthier lifestyle package. If you wish to include the gym in your new ‘you’ regime then initially start with a consultation with a personal trainer. They can work through a diet and exercise schedule with you. Ideally, a personal training session at least weekly to keep you on track is the best way to move forward to ensure your goals are met.
Try a Team Sport
In Port Douglas there are several teams you can join for example netball, football, surf life saving or if you are a little lighter footed you can join the Bodies in Motion’s ballet and hip hop classes in Mossman – open to people of all ages.
Start meditating
The benefits of a meditation practice are boundless and can influence not only mental but physical well-being.
Compliment or smile at someone once a day
Don’t just do it because you have to. Find something wonderful about the person and give them a genuine compliment. Try not to make it about people’s appearance.
Practice gratitude
It’s amazing how much gratitude can effect one’s life. It is seen as the one key factor used by people that are happy with their lives. Not only does this help one’s mental well-being but also can boost their physical health. Being able to ‘smell the roses’ and appreciate the wonderful things in life that you have, instead of thinking that happiness will happen once you have achieved certain things, will make 2018 a wonderful year for you.
Go to therapy
If you keep meeting a stumbling block with your personality that you have had to work around like anxiety attacks, fear of socialising, failure to commit, or depression and you’ve battle through 2017, 2018 might be the year to gain some professional help.
Volunteer regularly
Donating your time to people or an organization in need can do a world of good. And if you needed more reason: Research shows volunteering can improve your mental and physical health. This can also increase your happiness levels due to a circular effect. Kindness makes you happy, and happiness makes you kind.
Contact Douglas Shire Council to see where they might need volunteers. There are also well deserving charities that might need helpers – Men Shed, Nik Nak Shed and LifeLine (Mossman), Paws and Claws (shop in Mossman).
Plan a holiday or experience
According to a 2010 study published in the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life, just planning or anticipating a trip or experience can make you happier than actually taking it.
Make 2018 the year that you finally ticked some of those bucket list items off your list. It needn’t be a big trip if the budget doesn’t allow. You could book a series of smaller trips and adventures from our local paradise. Just because you are local doesn’t mean that you can’t rediscover the beauty of the area and all the amazing activities and places one can explore.
Become a business owner
Some people dream about being their own boss, make 2018 your year! You can build you own business or buy an existing one. For example BellissiMo on Grant Street, an established and popular Port Douglas retail outlet and a treasure trove of beautiful things.
If you are thinking about a seachange and contemplating operating a thriving retail business, selling objects of beauty, or a local who can see the opportunity presented, and have the desire to be your own boss, contact Cote Nord Property Port Douglas for more information.
Cook at home more frequently
You’ll end up getting healthier as you will be cutting out the highly processed foods. Not only will the food taste better but it will be better for you!
Call your family more often
Chances are they’d love to hear from you and you can benefit from it, too. Research shows calling loved ones like your mom can ease stress.
Cut back on material spending
The route to all happiness is not money. Buying the latest fad, is just that.. a ‘fad’. Better to save your hard-earned cash for an experience – or enabling an experience instead. Camping equipment, better camera, a holiday, a boat to fish on or snorkel off of.
Learn a language
Open up a whole new world to you.. literally!
Saying “hola” or “bonjour” to another person and communicating in another language is a wonderful experience. Research even supports the theory that it will actually boost your brain functions. With online courses available you can turn off the TV or Netflix once a night and use this time to learn another language.
Read more books
Research shows readying can boost empathy and emotional intelligence. What greater entertainment than reading beautiful words and having your own personal Netflix in your head.
For books in Port Douglas check out Whileaway and the second hand book shop on Grant Street. The Nick Nak shed also sell books to help with their charitable work.
Cut back on alcohol
I know this is hard, but 2018 is the year to be a bit more mindful. Keep to your weekly limits and remember to give your body and liver at least one or two days off a week to recuperate!
Go outside more often
When’s the last time you went for a walk along Four Mile Beach, saw the sunrise or the sunset. Not only will it improve your mood but you get the added perks of exercise. Win-win.
Make your bed every day
Making this the first act of completion every morning feels like you have completed something even before you have left the bedroom. No act of organization is too small. And it may make you happier.
Love yourself and be kinder to others
Because you’re all you’ve got ? no matter what. Patience and trying to understand people that might be of a different outlook or age also goes a long way in making the world a happier place. We all live in paradise…. let’s make it that.
Do you have any other tips on how to make 2018 your year? Let us know in the comments below!
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