How many steps are on the new Flagstaff Hill trail?

Newsport is giving away 5 Family Passes for Sugarworld Waterpark in Cairns!
To win simply tell us how many new stone steps are on the new Flagstaff Hill path between Little Cove and the new Coral Sea viewing platform.
Sorry competition closed!
The winners are:
- Melissa Middleton
- Kynee Christensen
- Mari Lightfoot
- Sarah Schapel
- Claire Cottrell
To collect your prize simply go to Sugarworld Cairns before 28 February 2018 and bring valid ID.
Now its important you include the stone steps that lead up to the Flagstaff Lookout and any stone steps to other viewing platforms along the way.
We know the kids will love to count them so good luck!
Terms and Conditions:
Competition closes on Monday 15 January 2018 at midday local time and the winners will be drawn and announced that afternoon.
Only entries with the correct number of steps will go in the draw to win.
Enter the number of steps in the comment area below or on the Newsport Daily Facebook page.
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