Global tourism hub a step closer for Far North

A GLOBAL Tourism Hub for Cairns is one step closer with the project being taken to community consultation.
Tourism Industry Development Minister Kate Jones said the hub, including a casino, was an exciting proposition for the region but said the government would not proceed without feedback from locals.??
“More tourists, staying longer and increasing their visitor spend equals new jobs and investment in Queensland,” she said.?
“We’ve seen the benefits of the $3 billion Queen’s Wharf Brisbane project and a global tourism hub in Cairns would deliver much needed tourism infrastructure for North Queensland.??
Cairns was identified as the first cab off the rank with the government’s Global Tourism Hub policy – a plan to secure new investment in world-class tourism infrastructure across the state.
Jones said aside from the public, the government would also engage with Cairns Regional Council as well as representatives from the tourism, property and development industries.??
“While any tropical north global tourism hub, including a casino, could ultimately be inside a 70km radius of Cairns, the government has identified a preferred site – the Cairns City Port precinct,” she said.
“A global tourism hub in Cairns, if chosen, would integrate with the state’s project to expand the Cairns Convention Centre.”
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