Free feed to kick off Australia Day celebrations

A FREE feed of bacon, eggs and sausages will help welcome a handful of new Australian citizens to the Douglas Shire today.
The free Aussie BBQ breakfast will kick off Australia Day celebrations at the Port Douglas Community Hall on Mowbray St, where 20 high-achieving locals will also be recognised for awards in seven categories.
“This is a fantastic opportunity to recognise our highest achieving individuals in a truly Australian way,” Mayor Julia Leu said.
“Our country and our region are at the envy of the world.
“Every year we welcome new Australian citizens who inject richness and build on the diversity of this beautiful shire.”
According to Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2016 Census Data, about 20 per cent of Douglas Shire residents were born overseas.
This is two per cent above the average for Far North councils. The United Kingdom, New Zealand, Germany and the United States of America has the strongest representation.
“Council has always championed diversity and multiculturalism, which is why so many people from across the globe come to our region and fit seamlessly into our community,” Mayor Leu said?.
“What is more quintessentially Australian than enjoying great food on the doorstep of one of our country’s most iconic natural attractions in the Great Barrier Reef?”
Seven new citizens from India, the UK and France will be welcomed today.
Port Douglas Community Hall, Mowbray St – Friday January 26
7.30am - BBQ Breakfast
9.00am - Australia Day Citizenship and Awards Ceremony
10.30am - Aussie morning tea with lamingtons and damper
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