Police dangle $250,000 reward to help solve Cooktown mum’s murder


Slain Cooktown mum knew her killer: Police

POLICE have dangled a $250,000 reward for information to help solve the murder of Cooktown woman Donna Steele.

Detective Inspector Geoff Marsh told reporters the investigation had been exhausted and a cash incentive could help break 'misguided loyalties' preventing an arrest.

Police believe a small group of ‘interconnected people’ in the Cooktown area have direct information into what happened to the mother-of-two.

The wrapped body of Ms Steele was found in the Endeavour River near Cooktown on August 6.

“We are very confident that the announcement of this reward today will lead to the dissolving of those loyalties, and those persons who have the information as to what happened to Donna Steele on that day will assist us and come forward,” Detective Inspector Marsh said.

Homicide Detectives in Cooktown are confident more than one person was involved in Ms Steele’s disappearance. As such, the reward will offer an indemnity from prosecution to persons who may have been present but not directly involved in her murder.

“They may be holding onto this information out of a blind loyalty to those persons involved in the direct crime and murder of Donna Steele,” Detective Inspector Marsh said.

“They may have assisted in the disposal of her body in Leggett’s Crossing. They may have assisted in the clean up of the crime scene or the modification of the crime scene. 

“We believe the reward will provide the incentive for those persons who have failed to come forward, to now come forward.

"We’re hoping this will lead to a swift resolution of the crime.”

Police Minister Mark Ryan said the reward hoped to provide closure for Ms Steele’s family. Her husband and two children have not returned to Cooktown since her death.

“I hope this reward will help identify the person responsible for this horrendous crime and ultimately bring this investigation to a close," Minister Ryan said.

Slain mum knew her killer: Police

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