Daintree Ferry to be pulled from the water


THE Daintree ferry will be pulled from the water for the first time in a decade after the nation’s maritime authority called for a rare inspection.

No cars will have access across the Daintree River from February 28 to March 4 due to a rare slipping project to be conducted by the Australia Maritime Safety Authority.

The maritime watchdog requires a complete out of water safety inspection in order for the Daintree Ferry to renew a five-year load line certificate, which is set to expire on March 20 this year.

It’s the first time the ferry has been dry docked over several days.

“The timing of this inspection is really a case of the stars aligning,” Mayor Julia Leu said.?

“An exceptionally high tide and a quiet visitor period make these five days a vital opportunity to slip the ferry and undertake federally legislated inspections.

“Council has worked extensively to ensure any inconvenience is kept to an absolute minimum.”

Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree’s Tara Bennett said patience and preparation was the key for tourism operators to overcome challenges during this period.

“This is mandatory, we know it’s happening and the best way to move forward is to look at how we can minimise disruption for travellers and ensure our visitors are getting the unique Daintree experience they came for,” Bennett said.

“I strongly urge tourism operators and businesses to read all the information available, plan for what can be done and contact Council if they have any concerns.”

Cr Leu said Contractors would be working ‘around the clock’ to make the process as seamless as possible and asked residents to be patient during this time.

“Public safety is an absolute priority for Council. This is the best way to avoid disruptions in the future and allows us to firmly reassure visitors, locals and the authorities, that the Daintree Ferry is a safe vessel.”

Council has also appointed liaison officer Gaye Scott to answer any questions about the temporary ferry closure,

You can send an email to gaye.scott@douglas.qld.gov.au or call 4099 9444. Ferry services are expected to resume as normal on March 5.

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