Ground-breaking new flu vaccines to protect elderly in Far North

FEDERAL Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch says new flu vaccines will provide stronger protection for seniors in Far North Queensland.
The Government has announced it will provide two ground-breaking vaccines to more than three million Australians aged 65 years and over free of charge.
Entsch said the vaccines had been fast-tracked to ensure lives are saved in the state’s north following last year’s ‘horrific’ flu season.
“More than 90 per cent of the 1,100 flu related deaths in 2017 were by people aged over 65 years of age,” Entsch said.
“We must continue to do all we can to protect those who are most at risk.”
Entsch said these new vaccines had been specifically made for the elderly, as their immune systems respond less effectively to vaccines.
“These new trivalent (three strain) vaccines work in over 65s by generating a strong immune response and are more effective for this age group in protecting against influenza,” he said.
“Vaccination saves lives and they are fundamental to our health system.
“I would encourage all Far North Queenslanders to get a flu vaccination this year before the peak season starts in June."
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