Missing woman feared to be in floodwaters


Police are currently searching for a 34-year-old woman missing in floodwaters in Wallaby Creek, Rossville, about two hours north of Cape Tribulation. 

She was last seen at a out 6.00m yesterday, 27 December, entering fast flowing waters near the Homerule causeway on River Road between Bloomfield and Rossville.

It is understood she was attempting to cross a swollen river in an attempt to return to her home. 

Police were notified this morning when friends attended her address and noticed she was missing.

A search was commenced with police and SES personnel and will continue until last light today and will recommence tomorrow morning.

If you have information for police regarding the woman's disappearance, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.

You can report information about crime anonymously to Crime Stoppers, a registered charity and community volunteer organisation, by calling 1800 333 000 or via crimestoppersqld.com.au 24hrs per day.


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