Same-sex marriage debate should have gone through parliament: Kerr


Howard Salkow

Senior Journalist

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Ian Thorpe is the star of a new television commercial on marriage equality, which launched over the weekend. WATCH IT BELOW.

Council standing up on same-sex marriage
Opinion same-sex marriage postal plebiscite likely to be a debacle

PORT Douglas resident and Douglas Shire councillor Michael Kerr says it is unfortunate the same-sex marriage debate has been blown out of proportion.

The openly gay Kerr, who has a partner, said the vote should have been put through the parliament and the matter would have been settled once and for all.

"Instead, it has taken on a life of its own and been blown out of proportion,” he told Newsport.

“The most distressing aspect of the issue is that we are unable to address it for what it is. This is a personal matter affecting many people and their respective sexual orientation should be respected. Why is this matter in the public arena? If two homosexual men want to marry, that's their business.”


Kerr hoped the country could move on once the result is known on November 15. And he also had a message for those who believe this issue goes against their religious beliefs.

“If people have this belief, they should not vote. It won't affect them in the long run,” Kerr said.

November 7 is the cut off to file the ballot paper with the result being announced on November 15 at 11.30am AEST.

Thousands marched for fairness and equality in Sydney and Brisbane yesterday as a new 'YES Campaign' advertisement was rolled out across the country.



September 12: ABS starts to mail out survey forms

September 24: Mail out of forms expected to be completed

October 11: Cut-off date for requests for replacement forms and envelopes

October 24: ABS target date for the return of all forms

November 7: Final cut-off date for return of forms

November 15: ABS to publish results of survey at 11.30 AEST. Results will include yes, no and invalid responses broken down to individual seat, state/territory and nation. Age and gender details will also be reported.

November 27: If there is a majority national "yes" vote, the government will bring to parliament a private member's bill to change marriage laws and all MPs and senators will have a free vote on it.

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