New PUMP track opens with a bang


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Plenty of local kids turned out for the official opening of the Port Douglas PUMP track on Saturday. IMAGE: Douglas Shire Council

- <link july riders-pumped-about-new-track>Riders pumped about new track

THE Port Douglas PUMP track has opened with a bang.

A huge turnout of Douglas Shire kids were treated to an exhibition of tricks from a number of talented riders, with local businesses also donating prizes throughout the event.

The Douglas Integrated Riders and Trailbuilders Club, better known as D.I.R.T, ran a sausage sizzle and drinks stall on Saturday at the official opening of the new $130,000 outdoor facility.

“We’re so proud of this new outdoor facility, we know it is really going to hit the mark for young people around the Shire,” said Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu.

 “I am delighted to have this facility up and riding – it’s a wonderful complement to some of our other amazing bike opportunities around the Shire and I know it will be very well-used.”

The asphalt pump track is for bike, skateboard and scooter riders and caters for all levels, including young riders and beginners.

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