Masssive concrete pour completed


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THE BIG POUR: A massive concrete slab has been poured for the new water reservoir in Port Douglas. IMAGE: Supplied.

ONE of the largest concrete pours since the construction of Sheraton Mirage has taken place in the Douglas Shire.

More than 30 construction workers oversaw the historic pour of the concrete slab for the new 20-megalitre reservoir overlooking Port Douglas.

Mayor Julia Leu said construction of the new $13.5 million reservoir at Craiglie is on track for completion in January.

“Without sufficient water to provide for the needs of our community then our potential for sustainable growth is severely limited,” Mayor Leu said.

“Today’s concrete pour for our new reservoir ensures that more houses can be built, more new businesses can establish in Port Douglas and more people can enjoy our amazing lifestyle.

When filled, the new reservoir will have the capacity to hold 20 million litres of water, equivalent in weight to a quarter of a typical sized cruise ship.

“This water storage is enough to sustain the communities of Port Douglas, Craiglie and Mowbray for up to three days in the event of a natural disaster crippling water supply from the Rex Creek intake.”

With 30 per cent of the reservoir tank on placed fill up to six metres deep, the mammoth construction task to date has seen more than 10,000 cubic metres of earthworks excavated over the past three months to backfill under the slab level.

The massive slab, and eventually the supporting walls, are engineered with wire strands running through the concrete and tensioned to 78 tonnes each, or almost 4500 tonnes in total, reducing the prospect of water leakage.

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