Dry spell leads to water restrictions across Douglas Shire


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LEVEL two water restrictions will be enforced from Thursday 7 September across the Douglas Shire. IMAGE: Supplied.

LEVEL two water restrictions will start tomorrow after a prolonged dry spell and a spike in water use across the region.

Douglas Shire Council said intake levels for all water supplies are on a downward trend and unable to keep up with demand.

“Council has decided to implement level two water restrictions directly and bypass level one restrictions due to water level in all intakes,” Mayor Julia Leu said.

“The physical water level in all intakes is low and has dropped significantly over the last three weeks representative of drought condition.

“Consumption is on a steady increase in line with seasonal trends and a busy peak tourist season.”

Leu said she’d be looking for the large resorts in Port Douglas - the biggest consumers of water across the region - to ‘lead the way’ in reducing their water usage.

“Every drop of water saved counts and with such an environmentally-aware community we’re appreciative of any efforts to reduce water consumption,” Leu said.

“Council Officers will be enforcing these restrictions to ensure our communities are not left high and dry and we thank everyone in the community for your assistance in conserving water.”


Under level two water restrictions, a total ban applies to all sprinklers, with watering only permitted between the hours of 6am – 9am and 6pm – 9pm on alternate days with a:

 • Hand-held trigger or twist nozzle;
 • Irrigation system (gardens only, no grassed areas); or
 • Watering can or bucket.

'Alternate days' shall mean designated days of water use.

• Properties with an odd street number may water on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday;
• Properties with and even street number may water on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday;
• Properties without a Council prescribed street number water on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday;
• No water is permitted on Monday

On the spot fines of $378 for Residential Customers and $1892 for Non-Residential Customers apply for non-compliance of restrictions.

For more information visit www.douglas.qld.gov.au or call 4099 9444.

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