Coconut action plan to be tabled at council meeting


Howard Salkow

Senior Journalist

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A clear direction for the management and maintenance of coconuts in the Douglas Shire will be discussed tomorrow. IMAGE: Newsport.

COUNCIL will be tabling a coconut action plan for 2017-18 at Tuesday’s council meeting and it will be recommended that Council adopt the Plan.

Adopting the plan will help ensure there is a clear direction for the management and maintenance of coconuts (Cocos nucifera) on Council controlled lands. Such management will lower the risk of injury from falling nuts and ensure that important natural areas are protected from coconut palms. 

The operational costs of de-nutting and removal has been allocated in the 2017/2018 Council operational budget. Over the past 12 months, Council has benefitted from a reduction in the contract rate for de-nutting due to Council undertaking a public tender process and entering into a new service contract.

It is not envisaged that additional staff or resources will be required in the implementation of the Coconut Action Plan 2017-2018. All inspections and assessments will remain the responsibility of the Open Spaces Team Leaders.


In its update, Council advised it adopted a capital work budget in excess of $14 million dollars for the 2016 – 2017 financial year. 

The majority of works have progressed in line with expectations and as at 30 June 2017 a total of 71 projects had been completed. At the end of the third quarter the number of completed projects was 35 therefore over the fourth quarter 36 additional projects were completed.

Overall, the delivery of the 2016 – 2017 capital works program (without the inclusion of the Port Douglas Reservoir due for completion in January 2018 and the Mossman WWTP River Bank Stabilisation due for completion in February 2018) has been satisfactory with over 75% of revised budget spent or committed to 30 June 2017.


The key points that will be presented to Council include:

• Operating revenue currently exceeds budget expectations by $36k.

• Operating expenditure is under budget by $288k.

• The operating surplus is currently $7.2m compared to a budgeted surplus of $6.9m.

Douglas Shire Council's ordinary meeting will be held Tuesday, 19 September at 10.00am at Council Chambers, Mossman.

5.1. Coconut action plan 2017-2018
5.2. Capital works progress report for the 4th quarter 2016 – 2017.
5.3. Material change of use - camping ground
5.4. L2 Oasis Drive Wonga Beach reconfiguration of lot (1 into7)
5.5. L45 Capt. Cook Hwy caravan park request negotiated decision
5.6. Financial report for the period ended 31 august 2017
5.7. CEO report June - August 2017 

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