Car plummets into ocean at ‘balancing rocks’


Media Release

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The blue four-wheel drive floats in the ocean after running off the road at the balancing rocks. IMAGE: Kim Poulsen.

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A CAR drove off the road and into the ocean at the ‘balancing rocks’ tourist attraction on the Captain Cook Highway last night.

The female driver of a blue four-wheel-drive escaped serious injury after it plummeted three metres into the Coral Sea. It's still unclear how the woman lost control of her vehicle, of which she was the only passenger.

The incident is sure to spark more debate about improving safety measures at the hugely popular visitor stop.

Wangetti residents have recently called for action on the busy road after a number of near tragedies. There was a double fatality in May involving a motorcycle yet police dismissed speculation it was caused by the balancing stones.

Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu has publicly supported a move to make the area safer, but said any upgrade would come at the cost of the State Government. 

The Department of Transport and Main Roads is responsible for safety improvements on the Captain Cook Highway and it appears only a matter of time before better signage and a car park is discussed.

The Queensland Government promoted the Wangetti site heavily through its latest campaign I Know Just the Place which drew surprise from the Mayor.


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