Baby girl drowns in Cooya Beach


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An 11-month-old girl has died in a drowning incident at her Cooya Beach home. IMAGE: Newsport.

POLICE have confirmed a baby girl drowned yesterday at a home in Cooya Beach.

An ambulance was called at around 5.15pm where paramedics tried to revive an 11-month-old at the residence. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

It’s still unclear where the incident took place at the home in Cooya Beach, just 20 minutes north of Port Douglas.

"An 11-month-old baby girl drowned and was unable to be revived as a result of what appears to be a tragic domestic accident at a Cooya Beach residence just before 6pm yesterday," a police spokesperson told Newsport.

Police would not elaborate further but said a full investigation was underway. They will now prepare a report for the Coroner.

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