Two new loos for ferry stop


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New toilet facilities will be built on the northern side of the Daintree Ferry. IMAGE: Supplied.

DOUGLAS Shire Council says it will deliver on a promise to construct accessible toilet facilities on the northern side of the Daintree Ferry.

Construction to replace the current two portaloos will take place off-site with the facilities expected to be completed and functional the end of November.

The $170,000 joint project will see the construction of an elevated amenities block with a wheelchair accessible unisex toilet and a second unisex toilet

The complex will have a water tank on-site that will feed the two toilets to be filled with rainwater during the wet season, with water to be trucked in during the dry season.

“It may sound simple to build much-needed toilet facilities…but this has been an extremely difficult process to finalise due to the constrained site and the environmental requirements,” Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said.

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