Port Douglas real estate: Hotel prices down


Howard Salkow

Senior Journalist

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TripAdvisor is reporting Port Douglas hotel prices for are down by as much as 25 per cent. IMAGE: Supplied.

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IT’s that time of the year in Port Douglas when hotels concentrate on maximising occupancy and dropping their rates. It’s not unusual as October and November are traditionally quiet as the wet season approaches and there are no school holidays.

It therefore comes as no surprise that TripAdvisor is reporting Port Douglas hotel prices for November are down by as much as 25 per cent.

Three Port Douglas properties are listed in the report which range from a low of $156 in November to $202 and $215 respectively.

The same report says that as one of the more popular resorts for domestic and international tourists, this group is opting for rentals rather than hotels.

Port Douglas Getaways sales consultant Tim Smith, whose company is a major player in the rental market, says this is understandable.

“Generally, a couple or even individuals; will have shorter stays which will be more economical. However, if you have a large family, it is cheaper renting a house versus paying for three hotel rooms, for example,” said Smith.

He added it is not uncommon to offer significant discounts at this time of the year, although this changes mid-December to mid-January when there is a busier market.

“It’s no secret November is a quiet month and to encourage visitation, we’ll offer discounts ranging from 20 to 25 per cent. This certainly helps to drive business during that period.

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