Man confirmed dead after falling 30m at Roaring Meg Falls


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Roaring Meg Falls on the CREB Track, Bloomfield. IMAGE: Supplied.

THE body of a man was recovered at Roaring Meg Falls in Bloomfield yesterday after he fell to his death on Saturday night

The 31-year-old was visiting the site with his partner and a dog before he slipped and fell around 30 metres into the water.

Police say the woman was forced to walk some distance to a ranger’s hut to call for help due to patchy communications in the area.

Emergency services were then unable to make their way to the man until the following day due lack of light and the dangerous terrain.

Crews began a search at first light on Sunday morning involving SES volunteers and a rescue 510 helicopter.

His body was located later that morning.

It’s the third reported death at the Creb Track waterfall, prompting an immediate assessment of the area’s safety.

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