Chinese megastar Vincent Zhao joins reef marathon’s cause


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Chinese actor Vincent Zhao has joined the Tropical Journey's Great Barrier Reef Marathon Festival as an international ambassador. The marathon kicks off again this Sunday 22 October. IMAGE: Newsport.

HE’S free to roam around Port Douglas with absolutely anonymity, but Chinese actor Vincent Zhao is not afforded that luxury back home.

The martial arts megastar can’t leave his house without being circled by fans eager to get a glimpse of their real life action hero.

He is one of China’s genuine A-List celebrities having starred in over 20 movies and been guided by the likes of Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

“It can be difficult to walk down the street,” Zhao said in an interview with PORT DOUGLAS Magazine last week at the Sheraton Grand Mirage Port Douglas.

“We can not walk without (being asked) to take a picture, or sign autographs.

“I have three children and it can be hard for them as well, they are always asking questions about why daddy is famous.

“It is a very luxurious thing for us to be able to take our kids to the park.”

Zhao and his actress wife, Zhang Danlu, arrived in Port Douglas last week for a promotional tour.

“It was nice to be able to get off the plane and breathe in the fresh air,” he said.

“We also have to be careful where we choose our holidays, as we can get very crowded. Being (a celebrity) in China can make it difficult to focus on the children.”

In a coup for the Tropical Journey’s Great Barrier Reef Marathon, which kicks off again this Sunday, Zhao has agreed to be the festival’s first international Run for the Reef ambassador.

The Tropical Journey's Great Barrier Reef Marathon Festival is on this Sunday 22 October in Port Douglas... 

He is a passionate jogger and said he felt compelled to use his considerable celebrity in Asia to help spread the conservation message of the Great Barrier Reef.

He joins Australian running legend Steve Moneghetti and dual Olympian and 2018 Commonwealth Games Marathoner, Jess Trengove, as the official ambassadors for the Great Barrier Reef Marathon Festival. 

Managing Director Sam Cullen said Zhao's support would provide a huge economic benefit and awareness for the region.

“This has been a fantastic team effort to bring Vincent to this region and to get him on board is simply stunning,” he said.

“Our partners, the Sheraton Grand Mirage Port Douglas, Cairns Airport, Tourism Tropical North Queensland, Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree and Tourism Port Douglas Travel have worked tirelessly to bring about this opportunity.

“Vincent will put the Great Barrier Reef Marathon on the calendar of all Chinese runners.”

Zhao viewed the marathon course on his visit and is set to promote the event to his 3.5 million followers on social media sites Weibo and Wechat.

Cullen said the Kung Fu star’s promotional pull into China was massive. "The production company is here filming for a sports channel in China with over 100 million viewers."

“With the TTNQ and TEQ teams we have already begun leveraging traction with Chinese corporate runners with a top executive group of 280 already registered for the 2018 event," he said.

The Tropical Journey's Great Barrier Reef Marathon Festival is on this Sunday 22 October in Port Douglas.

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