Candidate focused on restoring ‘frontline services’


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Labor candidate for Cook, Cynthia Lui. IMAGE: Supplied.

LABOR candidate for Cook, Cynthia Lui, has welcomed the Premier’s Annastacia Palaszczuk decision to call a November election and says her campaign will be about building stronger communities. 

Ms Lui says she’s already hit the ground running by speaking to thousands of locals both door knocking and on the phone and the clear message was they want a member who is focused on restoring frontline services and supporting job creation.

Ms Lui will be hoping to unseat independent MP Billy Gordon for the seat of Cook, if he chooses to contest it. The embattled Gordon is yet to signal his intentions to vie for re-election.

“Our region deserves an MP who will fight to strengthen our community in regional areas,” Ms Lui said.

Ms Lui pointed to her background working with people and communities in health, child protection and family support services that will help her as an MP.

“I know how important frontline services are to building stronger communities because I have seen it first hand,” she said. 

The election has been called for November 25 with Far North Queensland set to be a hotly contested area. Labor must win the Cairns and Cook seats to stay in power.

Following the electoral boundary redistribution early this year, the battle will be fought across 93 seats (four more than the previous election).

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