WATCH: Tourist treated for crocodile bite at Mossman Hospital


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The woman's leg after the crocodile lunged at her in Cape Tribulation, a known croc habitat. IMAGE: Facebook.

A FRIGHTENING video has emerged of a tourist being bitten by a small crocodile at Cape Tribulation.

A 24-year-old woman was treated at Mossman Hospital and discharged today for a bite to her leg after a crocodile 'between two and 2.5 metres' in length lunged at her beside a creek.

The footage shows the woman walking along the waters edge with a friend filming a mudskipper. They can be heard laughing before the reptile suddenly strikes.


Cape Tribulation, in the Daintree National Park, is known crocodile habitat.

Wildlife officers from the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection have spoken to both women about the incident.

"Thankfully she did not sustain any serious injuries," a spokesperson said.

"The site will be assessed today by wildlife officers. In the meantime, members of the public are reminded that no waterway should be considered safe in croc country and crocodiles can move very fast, even on land."

EHP have confirmed they will potentially target the crocodile for removal. Under the current Queensland Crocodile Management Plan, Cape Tribulation is in a Zone E 'general management zone'.

In Zone E, crocodiles displaying dangerous behaviour are targeted for removal.

"The woman was bitten on the leg by an estuarine crocodile, believed to be between 2 and 2.5 metres-in-length, while she was standing on a creek bank close to the water’s edge," a spokesperson said.

"EHP thanks the member of the public for promptly reporting the incident to EHP."

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