Labor candidate promises solar energy for Douglas Shire schools


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Labor candidate for Cook, Cynthia Lui, says a solar energy program for Douglas Shire Schools will create jobs in the region. IMAGE: Supplied.

CANDIDATE for Cook Cynthia Lui says schools in Port Douglas, Mossman and Miallo will get new solar panels on roofs if her Labor Government is re-elected next week.

Labor will invest in 50 schools in the Far North as part of a $97 million solar energy program, including Miallo, Mossman and Port Douglas State Schools and the Mossman State High School.

The roll-out of the program over the next three years will save $10.2 million a year on energy costs across the state and reduce schools’ carbon footprint.

“The program is good for schools, good for the environment and good for local jobs,” Lui said.

“Money saved by generating solar power will be invested back into our children’s education. This is clear proof of a government committed to reducing our carbon footprint.

“It also means there will be more work locally to install and maintain these solar systems.”

Education Minister Kate Jones said energy at states schools costs Queensland $57 million every year.

“This program will reduce our maintenance costs and give us valuable funds to invest back into Queensland children,” she said.

“The Clean Energy Future for Queensland Schools initiative will also support up to 300 jobs through its rollout.

“We will invest $40 million on the supply and installation of solar systems and a further $57 million towards other energy efficiency measures.”

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