Council backs asbestos awareness


Howard Salkow

Senior Journalist

Email Howard
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It's estimated one in three Australian homes contain asbestos. IMAGE: Supplied.

THE Douglas Shire Council has voted unanimously to endorse and support Asbestos Awareness Month which runs from November 1-30.

In adopting the slogan 'Don’t Play Renovation Roulette, Get to know asbestos this Month', the major objective is to educate Australians about the dangers of asbestos in and around homes because Australia has one of the highest rates of asbestos-related diseases in the world.

“It is estimated that one in three Australian homes contain asbestos and we need to manage this. It’s for this reason we strongly endorse this cause,” said Mayor Julie Leu at Tuesday’s Council meeting.

Asbestos can be found under floor coverings such as carpets, linoleum and vinyl tiles, behind wall and floor tiles, in cement floors, internal and external walls, ceilings, eaves, garages, around hot water pipes, fences, extensions to homes, outdoor toilets, dog kennels, chook yards and backyard sheds.

“Asbestos-related cancer is a tragic disease which is also incurable and those who have been exposed to it, will under its horrors,” said Leu.

During Asbestos Awareness Month, Australians can host a ‘Blue Lamington Drive’ to raise awareness of asbestos in homes and help raise vital funds for the Asbestos Disease Research Institute and Support Groups by visiting

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