‘Amazing Clink Theatre’ celebrates 25 years


IN many ways, Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu put it best when she said it is “hard to believe our amazing Clink Theatre is 25 years old.”

From what was a mere dream, emerged a theatre which has entertained thousands of locals and visitors over the years with stunning and varied performances.

The Clink Theatre was officially opened on November 7 1992 by the then Parliamentary Member for Cook, Steve Bredhauer MLA.

And on Saturday November 11, The Clink will celebrate its 25th anniversary where memories will be shared and the toasting of what is an amazing achievement.

“It is an iconic theatre with such a great history and loved by not only Douglas residents, but around the FNQ region,” said Leu. 

“I am incredibly grateful to all the people, including former Douglas Shire Councillor, Paul Lucas who recognised the potential of the original building and had the foresight, with the local community, to save the building, move it and give it such a culturally rich new life.

“I also extend huge congratulations to the current and past committees and the hard working volunteers who have made the Clink what it is today. There is a very long list, but I do want to pay a special mention to the current President, Michael Kerr and his committee who have taken the Clink Theatre to a whole new level.

“The improvements to the Clink; the stunning and varied productions, including the opportunity for so many people to participate and be involved is testament to their hard work and dedication.

“Council has always been supportive, with various ongoing grants and maintenance improvements and will remain so in the future,” she said.

Its history warrants a revival and current Clink Theatre president Michael Kerr believes it is one of the great Port Douglas stories which he has captured here.    

Twenty five years ago a small group of locals had a dream, “a small place to put on some shows”. They found a building, sought funding from council, local residents and the bank; and in typical Aussie style they ‘got it done’.

Combining hard work and dreams they crafted the Clink Theatre, a wonderful building, full of history and life. What once was the old Mossman Court House and police lock-up was moved to its new location and became a majestic little theatre.

This beautiful auditorium, with perfect acoustics, complete with full theatre accoutrements, 120 tiered seating, back stage, dressing room, wardrobe and sets area, foyer, box office and the best little bar in town now plays host to local and travelling artists alike. It is truly one of a kind and is here ready and waiting for you to visit!

Under various names – Port Douglas Players, the Troubadours – revues and plays were put on wherever a venue could be found. Then, in 1982, the Douglas Theatre Arts Group was formed. But the players were still without a permanent home.

Fiercely amateur and independent, the local thespians always dreamed of having a theatre of their own, although grateful for the loan of hotel ballrooms, foyers, restaurants and other venues for their performances.

Then came a stroke of luck that changed everything. In 1991 the old Mossman courthouse, a sturdy wooden structure, was due to be replaced and the Douglas Shire Council needed someone to take it off their hands – for a price.

Councillor Paul Lucas said: “Why not move it somewhere else – and turn it into a theatre?” Local folk put their hands in their pockets, corporate sponsors came forward and grants appeared from the State and Local Governments. The building was transported down the Cook Highway to where it now stands in Mowbray Street, Port Douglas.

With the expertise of architect Roger Mainwood and builder Jon Ewen-Smith, it was transformed into the 120-seat theatre we now know. The building, completely renovated and remodelled, cost $600,000. But it lacked a title.

A Shire-wide competition was held and the winning name was put forward by a local, Joe McColum, incidentally a former Director of the Brisbane Theatre Company. The Clink Theatre was born.

The name resonates with memories of the theatre’s former existence as a jail and ties in with Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre which was built near the “Clink” (prison) in Southwark, London in 1599. This notorious prison held misbehaving actors, thieves and ne’er-do-wells dragged from the local taverns and brothels!

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