Two teenagers charged over Port Douglas burglaries

A BOY and girl, both aged 15 years of age from Edmonton and Mooroobool, were charged on Friday as part of investigations into several property related offences.
The charges mostly relate to burglary and vehicle thefts allegedly committed at Port Douglas, Palm Cove, Trinity Beach, Smithfield, Cairns, Bentley Park, Edmonton, Gordonvale and Innisfail between May 7-11.
<link may port-douglas-residents-urged-to-be-security-conscious>Port Douglas residents urged to be security conscious
Police had been actively seeking the pair and officers located the boy at a local address on Friday morning where he was taken into custody.
Further inquiries resulted in the girl being located at another Edmonton residence a few hours later.
The boy was charged with a total of 23 offences comprising 11 counts of burglary, six counts of unlawful use of motor vehicles, and six other property and traffic related offences.
The girl was charged with eight counts of burglary, six counts unlawful use of motor vehicles and three other property and traffic related offences.
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