Port Douglas man charged with strangulation

A 24-year old man has been charged after allegedly strangling a woman in a domestic dispute in Port Douglas.
The Port Douglas man, who can’t be identified, was refused bail yesterday and remanded in custody. The incident occurred on May 18 at a Port Douglas Road address with the alleged victim only coming forward to police on May 22.
Investigations led to the arrest of the man yesterday, who was first approached by police near the Northern Beaches of Cairns.
It’s believed he already has several theft, fraud and traffic related indictments against him before being charged with this more serious offence.
The woman involved, also from Port Douglas, is said to be severely traumatised by the event.
He was charged with one count of strangulation; a new law passed last year in an effort to reduce domestic violence.
It carries a maximum prison term of seven years.
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