'It’s not the wild west anymore’: Drunk-driver caught doing 141km/h in Killaloe

A 36 year-old Julatten man was allegedly caught drink-driving at 141km/h in Killaloe last night.
Port Douglas Police clocked the man driving more than 40km/h over the speed limit on the Captain Cook Highway, before intercepting him.
The officers conducted a breath test at around 9.30pm where the man returned a blood alcohol reading of .143, almost three times the legal limit.
Sergeant Damien Meadows said the incident was unacceptable.
“It’s not the wild wild west anymore,” he said.
“Clearly some people think they are above the law. Unfortunately it can be incidents like this alleged offence where young families can get caught up in someone else’s reckless actions.
“Having a license is a privilege, not a right.”
The man was charged with both drink-driving and speeding and will appear in the Mossman Magistrates Court on June 17.
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