Douglas dog breeders reined in

DOUGLAS Shire Council’s local laws team is preparing for regulations of the new Queensland Government dog breeder legislation that comes into effect tomorrow.
Under the new legislation, any person in Queensland who is giving away, supplying, selling or advertising dogs or puppies must have a unique identifying number, called a supply number, that identifies the breeder of that particular dog.
The laws are part of the state Government’s new puppy farm laws after concerns about the welfare of dogs and pups being sold.
All new pups must now have a breeder identification number, known as a supply number.
“It is hoped the new laws will supplement proposed changes to Council’s local laws, following extensive review, to reduce the number of unwanted animals in the Shire and assist organisations such as Paws and Claws,” Douglas Shire Mayor Julia Leu said.
The laws apply to people who are professional breeders, occasional breeders and people not making money from the dogs or puppies supplied, regardless of whether the litters are occasional, accidental or planned.
The supply number must also be included in the dog’s microchip information and be displayed when a dog is given away, supplied, sold or advertised.
Leu said Council staff will be responsible for investigating breaches and appropriate enforcement action.
While the Queensland Dog Breeder Register will accept registrations from 26 May, breeders have up to 28 days after a litter is born to register.
For further information or to register for free contact the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries on 13 25 23 or
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