Victorian tourist watches in awe as four-metre crocodile swims down Four Mile Beach


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Ballarat tourist Ross Quick watched in amazement this morning as a large crocodile swims along Four Mile Beach. IMAGE: Ross Quick

A Victorian tourist watched in awe this morning as a four-metre crocodile took a leisurely swim down Four Mile Beach.

Ross Quick was on his morning walk from Pullman’s Port Douglas Sea Temple Resort when a fisherman pointed to ‘a big croc’ at around 7am.

“He was a bit worried about having his feet in the water after that,” Quick joked.

The Ballarat holidaymaker had his camera on him and took a few snaps of the impressive animal, the first time he’d seen one along Four Mile Beach.

“It was about 20 metres from the shore, it was amazing to watch,” he said.

“A fisherman was the first to see it, but there was quite a few people out walking at the time and a number of dogs.

“It had to have been four-metres, it was a big croc.”

Quick said he would be taking his camera with him again tomorrow morning in the hope of another sighting. “It’s not something you see very often, especially being from Victoria.”

Have you seen any crocodiles lately? Let us know in the comments below.

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