Rogue crocodile ‘charged’ search boat


THE search team looking for spearfisherman Warren Hughes had to retreat on Sunday when the crocodile believed responsible for his death charged the boat.

A huge crocodile, estimated to be at least 4.5 metres, was seen lying on a bank before slipping off into a small side creek as the 6.5 metre police boat approached. It then turned around and ‘charged’ at the vessel.

“It charged the boat, it didn’t jump up but it certainly made direct movement towards the boat. They had to backtrack pretty quick to avoid colliding with it,” said Dr Matt Brien from the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection.

“The behaviour of the animal was not consistent with a wild crocodile, they tend to be very wary of people.

“From experience, it is behaviour we have seen before in crocodiles that have attacked people. So it does tend to indicate that this animal was responsible.”

Brian said the aggressive behaviour shown by the crocodile indicated it may have been protecting a food source. A specialist team of rangers conducted a search under darkness in Innisfail last night with authorisation to kill the animal.

Hughes, from Cairns, was attacked while spearfishing between Palmer Point and High Island. Authorities found his remains yesterday morning.

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