Landmark decision on commercial fishing industry a ‘win-win’ for all

A LANDMARK decision has been taken by the Douglas Shire Council that will resolve the long-running issue with the Port Douglas commercial fishing industry.
In a closed session of Council on Tuesday, it was agreed to issue the Port Douglas Commercial Fishermen’s Association (PDCFA) with a permit to occupy approximately 600 square metres of Lot 96 adjacent to new proposed marina berths.
Council will now enter into a Deed of Agreement with The Reef Marina enabling them to further progress its $85 million redevelopment which was approved last month by Council.
The PDCFA will utilise the land for storage required for trawler/fishing operations, amenities, parking and out-of-season storage of dories for the next three years for an annual fee of $150.
Prior to the expiration of the three-year period, Council will consult with the PDCFA to determine whether a further non-commercial tenure period is required, or a longer lease and change in reserve purpose is needed to pave the way for a commercial “fishermen’s wharf” on the site.
Andrew Hooper-Nguyen, developer of The Reef Marina project, said he was delighted that an agreement had been reached with the fishing industry.
“The Reef Marina has always been committed to accommodating our commercial trawler customers as part of our waterfront regeneration project,” he said.
“After more than two years of negotiations, we are thrilled to have arrived at an agreement which will be a win-win for all parties, and secure the future of the Port Douglas fishing fleet.
“We also thank Council for its role in facilitating the agreement,” said Hooper-Nguyen.
Mayor Julia Leu hailed the landmark decision and the commitment of Council, the PDCFA and The Reef Marina to resolve the long-running tenure issue.
“For as long as anyone can remember and decades before tourism arrived in the Douglas Shire, Port Douglas was renowned as a fishing village,” Mayor Leu said.
“I’m delighted we’ve been able to work with the PDCFA and The Reef Marina to ensure this historic link is retained.
“Port Douglas was built on the blood and sweat of commercial fishermen, they have contributed so much, not just to our local economy, but our community spirit, and I’m extremely proud we’ve been able to facilitate this outcome,” she said.
Council will facilitate the approvals required for the construction of the trawler berthing facility and onshore infrastructure by The Reef Marina at its cost; and will construct access for the PDCFA through Lot 96; and undertake any civil works required to bring the portion of Lot 96 to be occupied under the permit to the appropriate standard.
The PDCFA was invited to comment on the decision by Newsport but did not respond by deadline.
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